Friday, March 15, 2019

18A- customer avatar

Image result for hairy trucker
I'm so dead ^

My Customer is the hard working middle aged male who has too much hair and priorities to sit and pick at their face for hours to get a precise shave in. My Avatar is usually involved in complicated relationships and finds himself letting himself go some days more than others. With so much hair and not enough energy, he tends to let his facial hair get out of control until visiting their mother and her completely ruining his self esteem. Hair-away is an easy, before bed face scrub that even the laziest, single, slob  of a man can handle. He has been through 2 divorces already and just doesn't see the point of holding it together anymore. He definitely drives some sort of a truck that he has completely driven to the ground its so old. He drinks way too much beer and spends all his free time watching some kind of sport on ESPN. His wife's left him because he completely stopped trying to look good and that's just the type of guy he is.

Don't be this guy. Buy my product. 

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