Friday, March 22, 2019

19A- Idea Napkin No.2

1) You. 
My Name is Gianna Caceres. I am a first generation American and I am proud. I find myself to be very detailed and business oriented. My dad comes from a long line of business men and he has instilled that mindset into me and my sister. My aspirations in life would be to follow in my fathers footsteps and become a business woman myself. Regarding my product, I think it is a very doable task to complete. With my background in business and innovation I am sure it will pass with flying colors. 
2) What are you offering to customers? 
I am simply offering my customers an easier way of living. My product insures a fast and effective way of doing things. With my find remote button, people will no longer have to deal with the hassle of searching for it themselves. 
3) Who are you offering it to?
My product would be for anyone and everyone who wants to have a TV. Whether it is for personal use or business, everyone can benefit from my find tv remote feature. Anyone can work this, even children and that's why I think it will be very beneficial in the long run. 
4) Why do they care? 
They care because no one wants to spend hours searching for their TV remote. 
5) What are your core competencies? 
What sets me apart from everyone else is that this has not yet been done. There is not a single TV out there with the feature I am trying to pursue.
I believe my business plan is a strong one. These 5 elements will be the core elements to my business plan. Before pursuing anything you must ask yourself essential questions to get anywhere. By figuring out my strengths and weaknesses, I am then able to figure out the rights and wrongs and improve the wrongs to make them right. 
Feed Back Memo:
Everyone loved my product. From here, I just have to work out the kinks to make this idea a reality. No one can argue that this will not be revolutionary.

Friday, March 15, 2019

18A- customer avatar

Image result for hairy trucker
I'm so dead ^

My Customer is the hard working middle aged male who has too much hair and priorities to sit and pick at their face for hours to get a precise shave in. My Avatar is usually involved in complicated relationships and finds himself letting himself go some days more than others. With so much hair and not enough energy, he tends to let his facial hair get out of control until visiting their mother and her completely ruining his self esteem. Hair-away is an easy, before bed face scrub that even the laziest, single, slob  of a man can handle. He has been through 2 divorces already and just doesn't see the point of holding it together anymore. He definitely drives some sort of a truck that he has completely driven to the ground its so old. He drinks way too much beer and spends all his free time watching some kind of sport on ESPN. His wife's left him because he completely stopped trying to look good and that's just the type of guy he is.

Don't be this guy. Buy my product. 

17A Elevator Pitch pt 2

2)  I liked that people actually enjoyed my product and that they thought I delivered a good  pitch because I wasn't very confident in it. I did get criticized on my use of "Um" and I tried to be better this time but I really need to work on this in my everyday life lol

3) I tried to enunciate my words better and I actually did my hair this time since I looked so rugged last time and someone actually commented on that thanks whoever you are.