Friday, January 18, 2019

4A- Opportunity belief

Forming an Opportunity Belief

Belief: A Prison reform act must be put in place, giving non-violent criminals a second chance at life outside the federal system

Does a mother of two kids deserve a life behind bars for dealing a single kilo of cocaine to provide for her family? Does a young man brought up in an under privileged community deprived of social and economic funding with no choice but to adjust to his surrounding deserve to rot in prison simply because he was too afraid say no? Does a naïve 20 year old woman deserve to be locked up for 15 years because she was dumb and in love with a man who made her keep a pound of marijuana in her trunk. Many people will assume if you are in prison, that you deserve to be there and I could not disagree more. Today’s justice system is constantly locking up first time offenders and non-violent criminals for decades to life, completely milking tax payer dollars. While many prisoners indeed do the crime and must serve the time, many are doomed to rot away without a well deserved second chance.  Jail overcrowding is a systemic issue in jails across the United States which affects the overall rehabilitation of prisoners.  Citizens are forced to give a percent of their taxes to prison systems which is suppose to be used to help the prisoners live comfortably while behind bars. Overcrowding is mostly caused by the justice system continuously putting non-violent criminals in jail. While serving time is usually necessary, serving decades for petty thefts, small drug charges and other non-violent crimes is unnecessary and a complete waste of tax payer dollars. This has been an issue for centuries in federal prisons. Recently, steps are being taken to prevent criminal injustice through news stories, journalism and even social media platforms. Bringing this issue to light and making others aware of what is actually going on can hopefully increase the chances of giving these prisoners a second chance at life.

Laramie Caceres, Business owner, 41
Do you think there is a need for a Prison Reform Act? Why?
Yes. It is harsh to prosecute someone for first offense and I do not agree with a first offender being sentenced the same as a known offender
How long have you felt this way about a Prison Reform Act?
About 10 years

Do you think the federal system has always experienced this problem or do you believe this is a recent issue?
I believe it started with the Reagan Era. About 30 years ago.

How can you, as a citizen, help put a reform act in place?

Do you believe a reform act will better our society or worsen it?
I believe this question is up for debate. Freeing every offender is probably not the best idea but those who have proved themselves to be someone who can ultimately contribute to society, it would be a good idea to set them free. Prisons have programs that allow prisoners to prove themselves inside.

Gisela Laurent, Judge, 41
Do you think there is a need for a Prison Reform Act? Why?
Yes, because right now its not fulfilling its purpose of reformation for the inmates and it is costing too much tax payer dollars

How long have you felt this way about a Prison Reform Act?
               15 years

Do you think the federal system has always experienced this problem or do you believe this is a recent issue?
               I definitely think it is not new. I believe its been an issue for more than 10 years.

How can you, as a citizen, help put a reform act in place?
               Making sure to vote and speaking with my legislature

Do you believe a reform act will better our society or worsen it?                                                        
               I think there has to be consequences but I think their could be a more effective way to go about the situation. There are defiantly better choices that are not being explored for non violent offenders.

Andre Correa, Student, 20
Do you think there is a need for a Prison Reform Act? Why?
Yes, because I believe the system is unfairly sentencing under privileged people at a higher rate.

How long have you felt this way about a Prison Reform Act?
1 year

Do you think the federal system has always experienced this problem or do you believe this is a recent issue?

How can you, as a citizen, help put a reform act in place?
Vote for Prison Reform

Do you believe a reform act will better our society or worsen it? Why?
Better it because more people can be free and citizens are saving their money

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