Friday, January 25, 2019

6A- Economic and Regulation Trends

Economic Trends

1.      Baby Boomers aren’t retiring
b.      With baby boomers letting their jobs go much later than previous generations have, Millennial's are having a hard time trying to find jobs straight out of college. With so many elderly’s keeping their seats in their standard desk jobs, big companies do not see the need to hire new , fresh minds that they will have to take the time training. This is also rising the age requirement for bigger companies because they feel the older are wiser. That being said, Younger generations like myself are being called lazy and incompetent when that is not the case. There are not enough jobs for everyone and who wants to fire an old man or woman? Man younger generations are pursing routes that lead to higher education in hopes their resumes look better than baby boomers but instead they are adding to nation debt by continuing to go to school rather than pursue a career in their preferred field after completing their 4 years of college.
c.      Millennial's are the main age group being affected due to the increasing retirement age and not enough jobs to employ them.
d.      Back in the day, as soon as you were of age you were thrown in the workforce. Today, with the lack of jobs and the adventurous minds of the millennial's, more are coming up with different routes to go in such as higher education or gap years to figure out what it is they would really like to pursue.
e.      The retirement crisis is a good and bad thing. Bad because it is limiting options but good because it is forcing younger generations to go above and beyond to prove they are worthy. Instilling this strong worth ethic and this thinking out side the box concept is producing more innovators and entrepreneurs than we have ever seen.

2.      Climate Change is causing more natural disasters
b.      With U.S climate changing as a result of global warming, we are starting to experience more hot days than usual following a trend of rising food prices. With the continuous rising of temperatures, crops such as corn and soybean have no chance of survival. Not only is climate change increasing food prices, but unpredictable storms are coming with it. The fire season, according to the article, is already 25% worse than it was when reported back in 2017. Floods, hurricanes and uncontrollable tornados are also being seen as a huge threat to us due to global warming
c.      We the people who in habit this earth are going to take a huge loss if this increases. Lands will be torn apart, animals will begin to slowly die off and then we will be left with nothing if we can even survive it all.
d.      The only opportunity at hand is for us to start believing that climate change is a real and serious thing. Many people are very in denial and the only way to stop this crisis is to one by one start taking action in our day to day lives. Recycling, reusing and cleaning up our Earth is unfortunately all we can do to save our souls. We must start now before it is far too late.

Regulation Trends


Thursday, January 24, 2019

5A- Identifying Local Opportunities

5A- Identifying Local Opportunities

1.      Gainesville readies for final vote on plastic band
b.      Today, Thursday January 24th, Gainesville votes on whether or not to ban plastic bags and Styrofoam trays. After a year of talking through the ban, Gainesville commissioners have finally decided that banning plastic bags and trays will do more good than harm to our community. These bans are specifically targeted mostly towards bigger businesses giving smaller companies the option to do so only if they can afford to make the changes. The city of Gainesville will be giving companies till August 1st to make the changes until they start fining $250 for every offense.
c.      The problem is people are starting to realize how harmful plastic products are becoming for our environment and the creatures we share our planet with. The amount of pollution we are facing in today’s world will only continue to rise unless we, the people begin to do something about it.
d.      All of us who inhabit the planet are equally harmed by the high levels of pollution we are faced with today.

2.       Women reports being sexually assaulted at Santa Fe College
b.      A woman, for the first time In over a year was abducted from the Santa Fe campus and sexually assaulted after school hours. The woman stated that she was walking with a group of friends before straying away and running into a man who held her at knife point and made her get in his car. The woman was then taken to a road near the train track and was sexually assaulted before being ordered to get out of the car so the man could flee the scene.
c.      The problem is Santa Fe’s lack of on campus night time security. Had there been extra  security roaming campus, a situation like this might have been prevented.
d.      The woman and any woman/vulnerable looking person walking around at night has the problem. A buddy system and extra night time security should be put into place so something this terrible and life altering does not happen again.

3.      Walking? You’re risking your life in Florida, the deadliest state for pedestrians
b.      The article states that “In Florida, the risk of fatality on foot is significantly higher than in any other state.” In Florida alone, we hold 20 of the deadliest U.S cities for pedestrians with Orlando being ranked as the least safe. Over 50,000 pedestrian deaths were reported over a 10 year span in Florida and the people believe the increase is due to walking to driving ratio here in Florida
c.      The problem is the fast pace roads and inattentive drivers. High traffic and not enough precaution signs are also a big part of the problem.
d.      The main people with this problem are those who live in a small community who work close by or maybe attend school near by and chose to walk instead of drive. The state also has to deal with the precautions of these deaths

4.      Teen reportedly pulled gun on Boynton High student on campus
b.      A former student of Boynton Beach high school was found on campus in a ski mask and a backpack carrying a gun on his waist. Two students ran into him in the staircase and he raised his gun to them until they ran away. Students report that the student Jacrois threatened to shoot another student at the school. He Is now being held in jail with a $350,000 bond.
c.      The problem is the lack of gun violence bans and security at all schools. While this happened after school hours, security should be monitoring campuses at all times. Strict bans against guns must be in place so guns stop falling into the wrong hands
d.      The problem mainly affects students nationwide and school systems who then have to pick up the pieces when someone ends up going wrong.

5.      We must protect the youth from nicotine addition – Guest Column
b.      Reports show that youth e-cigarette In just one year has skyrocketed across the country and we are started to see those trends mirrored in Florida. The e-cigs that resemble flashdrives called “JUUL” have a huge reason to do with the rising numbers in teen smoker. With over a 600% increase in sales in just one year, they are the highest marking e-cig company in the world. JUUL is causing a nicotine addiction phenomena world wide.
c.      The problem is the high amounts of nicotine in each JUUL pod and how many consumers of these JUUL’s are teenagers.
d.      Those who have the problem are those highly invested in JUUL. Many college students these days have one in the backs of their pockets which might not be as surprising as the amount of middle schooler’s with one as well. Consumers and the company are both facing back lashes.

Friday, January 18, 2019

4A- Opportunity belief

Forming an Opportunity Belief

Belief: A Prison reform act must be put in place, giving non-violent criminals a second chance at life outside the federal system

Does a mother of two kids deserve a life behind bars for dealing a single kilo of cocaine to provide for her family? Does a young man brought up in an under privileged community deprived of social and economic funding with no choice but to adjust to his surrounding deserve to rot in prison simply because he was too afraid say no? Does a naïve 20 year old woman deserve to be locked up for 15 years because she was dumb and in love with a man who made her keep a pound of marijuana in her trunk. Many people will assume if you are in prison, that you deserve to be there and I could not disagree more. Today’s justice system is constantly locking up first time offenders and non-violent criminals for decades to life, completely milking tax payer dollars. While many prisoners indeed do the crime and must serve the time, many are doomed to rot away without a well deserved second chance.  Jail overcrowding is a systemic issue in jails across the United States which affects the overall rehabilitation of prisoners.  Citizens are forced to give a percent of their taxes to prison systems which is suppose to be used to help the prisoners live comfortably while behind bars. Overcrowding is mostly caused by the justice system continuously putting non-violent criminals in jail. While serving time is usually necessary, serving decades for petty thefts, small drug charges and other non-violent crimes is unnecessary and a complete waste of tax payer dollars. This has been an issue for centuries in federal prisons. Recently, steps are being taken to prevent criminal injustice through news stories, journalism and even social media platforms. Bringing this issue to light and making others aware of what is actually going on can hopefully increase the chances of giving these prisoners a second chance at life.

Laramie Caceres, Business owner, 41
Do you think there is a need for a Prison Reform Act? Why?
Yes. It is harsh to prosecute someone for first offense and I do not agree with a first offender being sentenced the same as a known offender
How long have you felt this way about a Prison Reform Act?
About 10 years

Do you think the federal system has always experienced this problem or do you believe this is a recent issue?
I believe it started with the Reagan Era. About 30 years ago.

How can you, as a citizen, help put a reform act in place?

Do you believe a reform act will better our society or worsen it?
I believe this question is up for debate. Freeing every offender is probably not the best idea but those who have proved themselves to be someone who can ultimately contribute to society, it would be a good idea to set them free. Prisons have programs that allow prisoners to prove themselves inside.

Gisela Laurent, Judge, 41
Do you think there is a need for a Prison Reform Act? Why?
Yes, because right now its not fulfilling its purpose of reformation for the inmates and it is costing too much tax payer dollars

How long have you felt this way about a Prison Reform Act?
               15 years

Do you think the federal system has always experienced this problem or do you believe this is a recent issue?
               I definitely think it is not new. I believe its been an issue for more than 10 years.

How can you, as a citizen, help put a reform act in place?
               Making sure to vote and speaking with my legislature

Do you believe a reform act will better our society or worsen it?                                                        
               I think there has to be consequences but I think their could be a more effective way to go about the situation. There are defiantly better choices that are not being explored for non violent offenders.

Andre Correa, Student, 20
Do you think there is a need for a Prison Reform Act? Why?
Yes, because I believe the system is unfairly sentencing under privileged people at a higher rate.

How long have you felt this way about a Prison Reform Act?
1 year

Do you think the federal system has always experienced this problem or do you believe this is a recent issue?

How can you, as a citizen, help put a reform act in place?
Vote for Prison Reform

Do you believe a reform act will better our society or worsen it? Why?
Better it because more people can be free and citizens are saving their money

3A- My Entrepreneurship Story

My first semester of college, I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Ireland with the Innovation academy. The entire trip was mainly business based and opened my eyes to so many different sides of Business. Being in the Innovation academy, in the little time I have been enrolled here at UF, I have gained so much knowledge about what it takes to be an entrepreneur, a business leader and an innovator. A project I was given when I was abroad was to come up with a solution to a common problem that we phased in our everyday lives. My group and I came up with a business plan to "create" an app that would make the lives of the college students at Maynooth University (The college we studied at during our time their) more efficient. Our concept idea was called "Mazier", an app that would essentially make the lives of college students at Maynooth easier. After interviewing several students who attended Maynooth University, my group members and I realized we all shared a few common problems.
 1) Many students were unaware of campus events
 2) Navigating campus was extremely difficult due to no signs/maps
 3) Searching for a free computer in the library was extremely time consuming & most times you ended up empty handed

Mazier was to end all of this stress and confusion. Mazier was an interactive app that students can go on and post about different events going on around campus. You could look through published events and even register to be apart of them with the tap of a button. Mazier would also track your location and through an interactive map, show you exactly where you stood on campus and made it much easier to know where you were going. Lastly, Mazier would allow students to rent a spot on a computer at the library for up to three hours. Maynooth's library allowed students to check out laptops for 8 hours and return them. Many times you would walk to the library to leave empty handed because there were no laptops to check out. Mazier would keep count of how many laptops are at the library helping students save time and check out a laptop through their cellular device. Overall, had we developed this app, I think it would have really been helpful to current and incoming students at the University.

Lastly, I enrolled in ENT3003 primarily because it was a requirement to fulfill a requirement for my innovation minor. I never heard of this class before my adviser mentioned it to me but I can honestly say I am a bit excited for this course. I've always enjoyed courses that required me to think outside of the box and this course looks to me like it is right up my alley. I have always wanted to own my own business someday and I believe this course will be very beneficial for me in the long run.

2A- BUG List

  1. Insanely long wait times at the DMV
I understand many people are coming in and out of DMVs and it might get hectic, but the employees to incoming flow of people is always so off. You walk in and there’s about 7 attendants to 50+ people. Having more people on staff would fix this issue so easily to keep traffic moving
  1. Adults who chew with their mouth open
Children, I understand. But there comes a point in life where it is truly unacceptable. It is so rude and such a turn off in my opinion -- The simple fix? Close your mouth
  1. Constantly handing out favors and getting none in return
Returning a favor is just a simple courtesy. Many people have too much time on their hands and cannot meet everyone’s needs. But do not be that one person constantly asking for handouts and when the time comes to return a favor, you are nowhere to be found. What goes around should always come back around.
  1. Walmart having 20 checkout lines and only 4 being open every. Single. Time. I. Go.
What is the point of paying for so many registers when all of them are always closed. Walmart has TONS of employees, why not schedule them more often to fix this ongoing issue.
  1. Wait times for customer service calls
I absolutely hate being placed on hold for 15-20 minutes to ask a question that can be answered in less than 20 seconds. I feel like I am constantly running into this unnecessary issue. Hire more employees if you have to keep everyone who calls on hold for 20+ minutes. Super irritating.
  1. Verizon constantly shutting my phone off due to a late bill without warning
It is super inconvenient when my data shuts off when I am in the middle of nowhere and need my Maps for direction. This is partly my mom’s fault for not just linking her card to my phone bill but a phone call warning would be nice.
  1. My mother constantly checking my Canvas and telling me when things I have not yet worked on are due
I am 20 years old, I am capable of reading due dates. While changing my password sounds like an easy fix, my mom regularly is monitoring my finances and reminds me of that and it’s always helpful but my school work? If I could somehow give my mom her own log in to access strictly financials and dues to the school, that would be amazing.
  1. Spam Emails
While I usually disregard all my spam, having a blockage of 10,000 spam emails is so unnecessary. I could take the time to unsubscribe from these emails but it would literally take hours to get through all of them
  1. The constant spam phone calls I receive everyday
NO I don’t need life insurance, No I do not want to donate to your wonky fundraiser and I ABSOLUTELY do not want to enroll into the military. No matter how many people I tell to take me off their call list, I am still receiving these calls. A number change is long overdue.
  1. The Crackheads who constantly Harass me in Gainesville
Where I am from, seeing a homeless person let alone a crackhead, is rare. The influx number of homeless people/Crackheads in Gainesville constantly asking me for money is overwhelming. I am pretty generous for a College kid I must say but it comes to a point where I am being harassed for spare change by the same crack I just gave $5 to yesterday. I feel like the amount roaming near campus should not be overlooked any longer.
  1. Inconsiderate people at the Library
The library is a sanctuary in my eyes and the eyes of many others. There is only so many times one can hush others to the point where I just upright leave and go somewhere else. There are several floors in the library that allow you to chat amongst yourselves. I feel like many people do not know about these floors and that a chart of quiet levels on floors should be installed somewhere.
  1. When my parents constantly send me to voicemail/ flat out do not answer me.
I know I am not the only one who goes through this. I understand work gets hard and our parents are not on call at all times. But it gets frustrating when I need a parental figure and no one wants to pick up. I guess I call too often during office hours but maybe a super obnoxious ringtone for me is what I need to sneak into their settings.
  1.  Water heaters in apartments
I’ve spoke to many people about this so I know it’s not just my problem. I live in a brand new complex yet I was informed when I moved in that our apartment alone only allows 40 minutes of hot water at a time. I live with 3 other girls and 10 minutes of hot water just isn’t going to cut it. Feeling the water go from sizzling to lewk warm is honestly the worst feeling. I cannot speak for everyone but I live in a completely overpriced complex. Maybe bigger water heaters should be taken into consideration when divvying up rent money.
  1.  Postponed Concerts
Again, I get it. Things come up and promises are not always kept. But waiting 5 months to see an artist perform just for them to tweet days before that they are cancelling the concert is a huge irk. Especially when they also post a video of them lounging in Hawai’i just because they felt like extending their vacation a little longer. It’s rude and so inconsiderate and a contract should definitely be in place.
  1. That one kid who is unnecessarily rude to the teacher
What do you gain from interrupting the whole class to talk back to the teacher? In my opinion, teachers do not get paid enough for the things they go through on a daily basis. Not so much in college, but in middle school/ high school teachers are seriously mistreated and barely any actions are taken towards it.  A teacher should have the right to be respected, not only by her students but faculty above her. Bullying is supposedly a no tolerance thing but no one ever takes into consideration that teachers are bullied as well. These students should be kicked out for their misconduct.
  1.  Dryers that ruin clothes
I guess I could take the time to separate my delicate clothes from the wash and hang dry them but why are some dryers so aggressive? Why must I put in extra work when the point of a dryer is to dry my clothing
  1. Cracking my phone with a screen protector on
Screen. Protector. It’s written right there on the packaging so why is it that a screen protector fails to protect my screen every time. I’ve tried them all, from the film to the glass screens. It’s the most frustrating thing ever because why do I pay extra to protect my screen just for my to drop my phone to see the protector AND my actual screens are cracked. A more durable protector needs to be released and pronto.
  1. Getting fast food only to go home and notice my entire order is wrong
This one I will never understand. I told you my order, You displayed my order onto the screen to have me make sure everything is right, yet you still add pickles to my Mcdouble. Maybe it’s the workers, maybe it’s the fast pace lines, but it is so unacceptable. I paid money to enjoy your food. 2019 is the year I stop eating out and just make my own meals because apparently if you want it done right you got to do it yourself.
  1.  Publix refusing to toss my chicken tender sub in buffalo and ranch
Their slogan is literally “Where shopping is a pleasure”, so why can I not have what I want? For years, Publix employees have gracefully tossed my chicken tenders in buffalo and ranch to provide me with a wholesome meal that is a pub sub. They have recently instilled this new rule that they will not do that anymore to save time. Okay, sounds reasonable, but if there is not a single soul behind me, hook it up. Sadly, I am left disappointed each time because they have enforced this rule in each location and absolutely REFUSE to meet my demands.
  1.  Men insulting you after rejecting their efforts
Rejection is not the best feeling, but taking your anger out on someone simply because they are not interested is such a small minded thing to do and probably apart of the reason you got rejected in the first place. I feel as I get older, this is a more common problem. Not wanting to get naked for a stranger is apparently a mind blowing concept these days and I’ll just never understand why slut shaming a woman for not wanting you is even a trend. A gentleman’s club at school should be a strictly enforced course in high school or something. This Generation's men definitely need to learn how to treat woman better.

            As a lot of things bug me, I found this assignment fairly easy. Most of the time when something really bothers me, I always think to myself “what is the solution”. Finding a solution to things that irk me help me stay calm and patient in situations that I am put on edge. My whole life, I have had super bad anger issues and the only way to calm my anger was to try and turn a negative situation positive so that I can learn to stop letting things get under my skin so easily.